Complex Angioplasty Performed at Apollo CVHF
January 27, 2024Complex Angioplasty Performed on 25th Jan.2024 at Apollo CVHF Heart Institute Ahmedabad and Transmitted Live in Prestigious International Conference Singapore 2024 Cardiac Conference by Dr. Sameer Dani and Team.
A Female patient Age-63, diagnosed with severe Heart Disease was advised By-pass Surgery. However Patient refused for By-Pass Surgery and then Dr.Sameer Dani and Team performed this patient’s Complex Angioplasty at Apollo CVHF Heart Institute.
This case was transmitted Live in Singapore 2024 Cardiac Conference. The case was extremely challenging and required highly complex instruments such as rotablator (microscopic drill to remove calcium filled blockages in the arteries of the heart), IVUS (visual sonography of the arteries from inside the artery) and the most advanced stents. The case was very well recieved and appreciated by senior cardiologists and international faculty. The patient didn’t require any surgery and went home on second day without any issues. We wish the patient a fast and speedy recovery.